Immigration: Steyer believes that the United States should re-establish itself as a “safe haven” for immigrants. Steyer believes the VISA Program should be expanded so it attracts the best and the brightest foreign students. In an event at New Hampshire’s “Conversation with the Candidate,” Steyer revealed his disgust for the current immigration practice of separating children from the border, and he would end that policy on day 1 of his presidency.
Gun Reform: An advocate of ending gun violence, Steyer would institute mandatory gun licensing and universal background checks. He would establish a voluntary gun buy-back system, and he considers gun deaths to be “health crises.”
Climate Change: Steyer has said that “on day one of presidency, [he will] declare the climate crisis a national emergency.” He plans to make the United States zero carbon by 2030 and 100% clean electricity by 2040. He would spend $115 billion on providing green spaces, walkable communities, and on zero emissions school buses. Additionally, Steyer hopes that by spending $130 billion, forests can be restored. He would not issue leases for construction projects involving fossil fuels.
Student Loan Debt: Steyer plans to eliminate “certain types” of debt as well as reduce the number of student loans. He calls student loans “a crushing burden.”
Healthcare: Steyer’s plan for healthcare consists of expanding coverage, cutting procedural costs, and improving the overall quality of healthcare. Steyer mentioned how veterans and rural communities would additionally receive attention. He plans on expanding maternity care as well.
Mental Health: He plans to expand coverage for mental health, especially for veterans. Steyer hopes to decrease the amount of suicides each year by spending $1.5 trillion in 10 years to guarantee universal healthcare.
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