Immigration: She believes in decriminalizing immigration and instead ending private detention facilities and what she calls unnecessary detention. Warren wants to emphasize the difference between law enforcement and immigration enforcement. Warren plans to rebuild the immigration court system by hiring immigration judges, which would make the process similar to other legal cases. On day 1 of her presidency, if elected, she would end Trump’s Muslim ban. Like Buttigieg, she would create the Office of New Americans, an educational facility focused on providing services for asylum seekers and immigrants.
Gun Reform: An advocate for “comprehensive gun reform legislation,” Warren plans to raise the minimum age for buying a gun to 18 as a way to reduce the number of purchases by teenagers. She would prosecute gun traffickers, create a national gun licensing program, require universal gun background checks, increase taxes on gun manufacturers, remove guns from school property, and regulate firearms for consumer safety.
Climate Change: Like other democratic candidates for president, Warren supports the Green New Deal. She wants to create more jobs, but in a climate friendly way. Other policy proposals are making the United States 100% clean energy, reduce carbon emissions, increase access to public transportation, and focus on 100% clean water. A unique policy she is proposing is the Blue New Deal for Oceans, a policy aimed at restoring wind energy development and restoring jobs alongside coastal towns.
Student Loan Debt: Warren’s policies are ambitious when it comes to tackling student loan debt. She hopes to levy debt by 95% at the university level and decrease the gap racial minorities face in higher education opportunity. For public 2 and 4 year colleges, she would eliminate fees and tuition.
Healthcare: Warren’s campaign focuses on reducing prescription costs, fighting the opioid crisis, establishing hospitals in rural communities, and expanding Medicare and Medicaid.
Mental Health: She is proposing the Behavioral Health Coverage Transparency Act, an initiative designed to hold insurers responsible for providing mental health coverage in the insurance plan. She would work with the Health and Human Services Department to increase support for mental health.
For more information: elizabethwarren.com