On Wednesday, February 5, President Donald Trump was officially acquitted on both charges: abuse of power as well as the obstruction of Congress. It is important to remember that a two-thirds vote is needed in order to remove a sitting president from office. Now, onto the specifics...
Senators voted entirely based on partisan lines- however, there was one exception. Senator Mitt Romney voted with the Democratic party on the abuse of power charge. He is the only U.S. Senator in history to vote to remove a president in the same party. In a statement to the public, he explained how he believed Trump was "guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust." The final numbers were 52-48.
While Romney believed Trump was guilty on the first charge, he voted with the Republicans on the obstruction of Congress charge. The final numbers were 53-47, and this time, no Democrat or Republican voted against his or her party.
Closing remarks:
Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, thanked Justice John Roberts, the Senate Pages, and the Senate Security Team for their efforts throughout the 2-3 week process. Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, also extended his appreciation to the Senate and toward the Senate Pages.
As we wrap up only the third impeachment trial in American history, ThatPoliticalKid encourages you to soak in the historical significance of the event. Also, if you are able to, please vote in your state's caucus! That is the best way to express your political voice! If you do not know who to vote for, please see our presidential candidates section.
CNN News https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/02/05/politics/senate-impeachment-trial-vote-acquittal/index.html
Mitch McConnell closing remarks (PBS)